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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 26 Pics

Pictures from a museum in Cambodia.
The work of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouges' Killing Fields

April 26, 2011 Letter

Family and Friends,
Hey everybody! Another week gone by. Feels like just the other day I was emailing. There are only 104 weeks on a mission and they go by so fast. This week I am sending some pictures of a museum that we went to last week. It was humbling to say the least. Those skulls are skulls of people  that were tortured. For months they were whipped and beat. Barely any food to keep them alive, and when they had no more use for them they were shot in the head after the torture. This is the Khmer Rouge. Killed over 2 million people. Anyone with any smarts or knowledge. this all happened about 30 years ago. That museum was hard. Walking in there was a bad feeling there, knowing that over 10,000 people were murdered where I was walking.
My week was great though. Our investigator I talked about last week was drunk the other night. A set back, but we never give up with a child of God. He loves the book of Mormon along with his wife and daughter. We were supposed to have a baptism this Sunday but she stated a job at a sweat shop and works late everyday and on Sunday too. Not sure what to do for her. We just had some investigators come back from their homeland for the Khmer new year. They will be baptized in the coming weeks.
I got a great package last night with lots of chocolate in it. Had to rush it to the fridge. It was all halfway melted, but still tasty chocolate. I have been having problems with my shoulder injury from football. My mission President gave me a blessing on Monday and spoke what God wanted me to hear. I will be ok very soon. Thank you all for the prayers and thoughts. This Week I also got a letter from Elder Caleb Reilley. He is doing good. And another from Haden Griggs. Someone tell him thanks for me and congrats on his first kiss. He should laugh from that.
We are always working hard. So much progress, and the Lord is greatly blessing each of us here. This gospel changes lives just like it is changing mine. Thank you all again and talk to all of you next week.
With Great Love,
Elder Matthew Nordgren

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April Pics

April 19, 2011 Letter

Hey Everybody!!!!
What a great week it is right? This last week was Dad's birthday. 49 years old, boy is that getting up there! It was Khmer new year this last week too. I have sent some pictures, but I have gotten to the point where I have to many to send.I will now send just the good ones each week and when I return you can all see my adventures.
I have been working really hard lately, and every time I look at the calendar it is 3 days later. Time is flying. Feels like it should be about November of 2010. My good friend, Doug Oman, has now left to Boot Camp for the Army. Good Luck to him. Time is coming up for Hayden Higgins to leave to Omaha Nebraska. Missions are great. If only everyone knew how great they really are, they would all serve.
This last week had some good food. Eel and more squid. Food tastes better every time you eat it.
I want to share an experience this week. We have an investigator who smokes and drinks. We are teaching him and his family. They are amazing and go to church and love reading the scriptures. When we were teaching them about the Atonement he told us that he wants to quit smoking and drinking. What a great time for that to come up. Made for a very spiritual lesson and his family is so willing to help and encourage him everyday. It is a lot easier when they come asking for help instead of telling them that they need help. The Lord has been blessing us greatly with this family. Such great support for them.
As you can tell from the pictures that I have sent I have lost some weight. I continue to work on it. I have already lost enough weight to say I have lost a Cambodian. Now I am going for two.
I love this work and am so blessed to be trusted with this great responsibility from the Lord to teach His children. I am grateful for my great family and friends who support me in this work. I pray for each of you individually. Thank you all so much. I love you all like a fat man loves his cake.
Elder Matthew Nordgren

April 12,, 2011 Letter

To Whom it may Concern,
Hey everybody! Another great week! Sounds like it has not been as busy at home this week, but still pretty busy. That is the same for me. It is Khmer New Year!!!!!! That means everyone leaves the city and it is empty. We don't do any proselyting this week because of it. We work on other things like the area book and spring cleaning. We also have Sports day this Saturday. Playing sports for a whole day is going to be super fun!
As many of you know I was recently transferred to 12th branch. It is a good branch and very strong. Very good leadership. My companion is a work in progress. He is a hard worker and he will be done with his mission in June. I will be his last companion. He is pretty focused on going home though. All things I can learn from.
This last weekend we got to watch General Conference. Seems like a big focus was getting married and the temple. All stuff on the top of my list for when I get home. There is a time for all things. Now is the time for the work of the Lord in my life. It was very spiritual and lots to learn like always.
I am having good times on my mission, and I write in my journal every night. So I will have plenty of stories to tell in a year and a half. I don't have any pictures this week due to no energy in my batteries in my camera. Next week there should be plenty of pictures to send. I got no more to add for this week, but I love you all and thank you for the support and prayers. They always help.
Elder Matthew Nordgren

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 5, 2011 Letter

Hey Everybody!
What a week right? It is amazing how much can change in just a short week. I have a lot of pictures, but I need to find a better way to get them on the computer because my camera goes through batteries so fast. And batteries are expensive here. Conference weekend too! I have not had the opportunity to watch the sessions yet. We are a weekend behind so this coming weekend Cambodia will be having the conference weekend. I heard that 3 new temples were announced. Colorado, Idaho, and Canada. Good places. One day there will be one in Cambodia.
We had a big change to the family this week. Little baby Caety has come into the world. Of course we all wish her the best with her new mom and my sister Heather. Let us all continue in prayer in behalf of our new gift. I am excited to meet her in a year and a half. I will miss the diaper stage mostly and get the fun years of playing with her. I will miss a lot of important time of bonding with her so be sure to leave some space, for a not so big guy anymore, in that tiny little heart.
Also Hayden went through the temple this week. More great news. I have been gone for 6 months and Mother's day is coming up so I will get a phone call home soon.
My new area is booming right now. We have a lot of lessons everyday, but the next few weeks are going to be a little rougher. It is Khmer new year's next week and a lot of people will be leaving the city for a week or two. The actual holiday lasts for 3 days. We don't do much proselyting during that time either. It is going to be an exciting time.
I am happy to have my prayers answered today. I have spent endless moments praying for all of you back at home. This gospel in true and The Lord does answer prayers. Thank you all for your support and I love you all so much!
Elder Nordgren